Dressed in Blue

Dressed in Blue 123movies

Two years after publishing the memoirs of Cristina La Veneno ('Digo! Ni puta ni santa') Valeria Vegas has not written anything and feels more lost than ever. After watching again the documentary 'Vestida de azul', which portrays six trans people in Madrid in the 80's, the journalist decides to investigate the harsh reality that Loren, Tamara, Renée, Eva, Josette, and Nacha, its protagonists, lived.

Genre: Latest Movies / Drama

Actors: Lola Rodríguez, Paca la Piraña, Juani Ruiz, Álex Saint, Rossa Ceballos, Chloe Santiago, Keyla Òdena, Geena Román, Alma Gormedino


Duration: 96 minutes

Quality: HD

Release: 2023

Views: 222

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